Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We Were Made in the Stars

(Note: The title was inspired by a TV series on the History Channel called "The Universe." If there are any discrepancies as to the subject matter, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to explain. But I must say that my mind works in mysterious ways and not all things can be clearly expressed or explained.)

We Were Made in the Stars
by A.S.

The heavens didn't move
as our bodies fell
from them,
at the celestial mess
left behind.
Our laughter spread
like wildfire
and spewed
our remnants
unto this dustbin
called Earth.
Our home
is in the language
of the Cosmos
which we've extinguished
to a pristine drone.

We work in
factories, cubicles,
putting walls
around our minds
to help
synthesize knowledge,
con phenomenon
into thinking that
there is no vindication
where there is no truth,
only story
and the cosmic riddle
of our youth.

We study astrology,
and the properties
of falling bodies
until there aren't any
winter days
to sleep on.

"The galaxy is moving
away from us,"
but there is a revolution
in time
and space
that tells us otherwise.
We call this wise riot
when our own existence
is merely
a mixture of mythology
and clever thinking.
Our whole life is spent
healing the mind
we tear

I've wrapped mine
in ghostly shrouds
hoping to forget this ground
I stand on
and remember the sky
I came from.

The heavens didn't move,
we did.

So don't forget to look up.
There is so much to see.


theteach said...

Ah,yes,where do we begin. Your poem made me think of Carl Sandburg's Chicago and The People,Yes. You provide some interesting images to contemplate.

Juno said...

"We work in
factories, cubicles,
putting walls
around our minds
to help
synthesize knowledge,
con phenomenon
into thinking that
there is no vindication
where there is no truth,
only story
and the cosmic riddle
of our youth,".

This stanza reminded me heavily of 1984 due to its introduction of the concept of synchronization - which lead me to think about the synthetic documents discussing the past, mentioned in the novel.

I am also attracted to this line because I can relate to it.

Awesome-ness, as usual, my friend.

SEC said...


Zeus. said...

thanks for your comments
and Juno, I do see the connection to 1984. Perhaps it was on my subconscious as I was writing. :]